Patient Responsibilities

  1. University Eye Center (UEC) patients and guests are expected to recognize and respect the rights of our patients, visitors, and staff.
    • Threats, violence, disrespectful communication or harassment of other patients, visitors, or of any UEC staff member, for any reason, including but not limited to an individual’s age, race, creed, color, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, military status, sex, or disability, will not be tolerated.
    • Requests for changes of provider based on the provider’s age, race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or any other characteristic protected by law, will not be honored. Requests for a change of provider based on gender will only be considered where premised on a sincerely held religious belief, or where extenuating circumstances are present.
    • All individuals should respect the privacy of others, and act in a manner consistent with the professional nature of the healthcare environment.
    • Conduct which interferes with the operation of the UEC will not be tolerated.
    • Any abusive or disrespectful behavior, or conduct not appropriate to a healthcare setting, may result in the patient’s dismissal from UEC care and/ or a guest’s removal and permanent ban from the UEC.
  2. UEC patients and guests must adhere to UEC and SUNY College of Optometry safety policies.
    • No person shall conduct illegal activity on SUNY College of Optometry property. If such activity occurs, it will be reported to the police.
    • For the safety of everyone, no weapons are permitted on SUNY College of Optometry property. Prohibited weapons include, but are not limited to guns, knives, pepper spray (or similar), tasers and stun guns.
  3. Patients must supply their eye care providers with accurate and complete information, to the best of their knowledge, about present complaints, past illness, medications, unexpected changes in condition and other matters relating to their health.
  4. Patients should seek information about their health and what they are expected to do. Your eyecare providers will explain things to the best of their ability, but they may not know when you don’t understand what they are saying, or when you want further information. If you don’t understand what your providers are saying, ask for clarification. If English is not your preferred language, you may request free medical interpretation services.
  5. The most effective management plan is the one to which all participants agree and that is carried out exactly as prescribed. It is your responsibility to tell your provider whether or not you have the ability to and agree to follow the management plan recommended for you.
  6. If a patient refuses treatment or refuses to adhere to the care, management, and service plan offered by their provider, they must accept the consequences of such decisions. These consequences include the negative impact on your vision and eye health, but also your potential dismissal from UEC care.
  7. Patients should keep all appointments with their provider. If you need to cancel an appointment, please do so at least 24 hours before the appointment time.
  8. Patients should satisfy their financial obligations for the eyecare provided by paying bills promptly.
  9. Patients must follow UEC and SUNY College of Optometry rules and regulations affecting patient care and conduct.

To contact the University Eye Center:
Clinical Administration
33 West 42nd St, New York, NY 10036 | T:212-938-4030 |


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