Fee Schedule

Examination, Treatment and Procedures
Procedure Code2024-25 UEC Fee
(US dollars)
0207T225Lipiflow Treatment (per eye)
(Clear eyelid gland with heat)
64612250Destroy nerve, face muscle
65205125Foreign Body Removal, Conjunctival, Superficial
65210125Foreign Body Removal, Conjunctival, Embedded
65222125Foreign Body Removal, Corneal, Slit Lamp
65430500Corneal Scraping, Diagnostic, Smear or Culture
65600650Stromal Puncture
657781,900Prokera (Amniotic Membrane)
65855700Trabeculoplasty By Laser
66761700Iridotomy/Iridectomy, By Laser
66821725Laser Surgery, Lens (YAG)
66984 55 (modifier 55 for comanagement)210Comanagement of Post-Op Portion of Extracapsular Cataract Removal With Insertion of IOL
67028310Injection Eye Drug
67105750Retina or Choroid Repair, Photocoagulation
67145750Retina or Choroid Prophylaxis, Photocoagulation
67210775Retina or Choroid Destruction, Localized Lesion, Photocoagulation
672281,200Retina or Choroid Destruction, Treatment of Extensive Retinopathy,
67515150Injection of Medication or Other Substance Into Tenons Capsule
67800275Excision of Chalazion, Single
67805500Excision of Chalazion, Multiple, Different Lids
67820100Correction of Trichiasis, Epilation, Forceps
67825250Correction of trichiasis; epilation, by
methods other than forceps (e.g., electrosurgery)
67840650Excision of Lesion of Eyelid (Except
Chalzaion) Without Closure or With Simple Direct Closure
68761300Closure of Lacrimal Punctum by Plug
68801175Dilation of Lacrimal Punctum, With or Without Irrigation
68840235Probing of Lacrimal Canaliculi, With or Without Irrigation
76510250Ophthalmic Ultrasound, Diagnostic, B- scan and Quantitative A-scan Performed During Same Patient Encounter
76511165Ophthalmic Ultrasound, Quantitative A- scan Only
76512165Ophthalmic Ultrasound, B-scan, With or Without Non-quantitative A-scan
76513200Anterior Segment Ultrasound, Immersion B-scan or High Resolution Biomicroscopy
7651460Corneal Pachymetry, Unilateral or Bilateral
76519130Ophthalmic Biometry by Ultrasound, A-scan, With IOP Power Calculation
8351640Immunoassay for Other Than Infectious Agent (InflammaDry)
8386150Tear Osmolarity Testing
90791400Psychiatric Diagnostic Evaluation (Intake Interview)
92000300Perceptual Evaluation
92000HT200Perceptual Eval/Skills
92002135Ophthalmological Services, Intermediate, New Patient
92004200Ophthalmological Services, Comprehensive, New Patient
92012150Ophthalmological Services, Intermediate, Established Patient
92014175Ophthalmological Services, Comprehensive, Established Patient
9201565Determination of Refractive State
92015-22150Determination of Refractive State - Complex
92025135Computerized Corneal Topography
92060125Sensorimotor Examination
92065200Orthoptic Training
92066150Orthoptic Training w/ Technician
9208190Visual Field Examination, Limited
92082105Visual Field Examination, Intermediate
92083145Visual Field Examination, Extended
92100125Serial Tonometry
92132105Scanning Computerized Ophthalmic Diagnostic Imaging, Anterior Segment
92133125Scanning Computerized Ophthalmic Diagnostic Imaging, Posterior Segment, Optic Nerve
92134125Scanning Computerized Ophthalmic Diagnostic Imaging, Posterior Segment, Retina
92136170Ophthalmic Biometry by Partial Coherence Interferometry With IOL Power Calculation
9214550Corneal Hysteresis Determination, By Air Impulse Stimulation
9220175Ophthalmoscopy, Extended, Initial
9220265Ophthalmoscopy, Extended, Subsequent
92235185Fluorescein Angiography
92250225Fundus Photography
92273275Electroretinography - Full Field
92274150Electroretinography - Multifocal
0509T150Electroretinography - Pattern
92283225Color Vision Eximination, Extended - Adult
CVT56100Color Vision Eximination, Extended, 5-6yo
CVT713150Color Vision Eximination, Extended, 7-13yo
92285115External Ocular Photography
92286125Anterior Segment Imaging, With Specular Microscopy
95930220Visually Evoked Potential (VEP)
96132265Neuropsychological Testing Evaluation Services by Physician or Other Qualified Health Care Professional, Including Integration of Patient Data, Interpretation of Standardized Test Results and Clinical Data, Clinical Decision Making, Treatment Planning and Report, and Interactive Feedback to the Patient, Family Member(s) or Caregiver(s), When Performed, First Hour
96133185Neuropsychological Testing Evaluation Services, Each Additional Hour (Add on Code)
Medical Testimony
*Initial, Up to Two Hours / **Each Additional Hour
99202125Office Visit, New Patient
99203175Office Visit, New Patient
99204250Office Visit, New Patient
99205275Office Visit, New Patient
99212115Office Visit, Established Patient
99213150Office Visit, Established Patient
99214200Office Visit, Established Patient
99215250Office Visit, Established Patient
9924180Office Consultation , New or Established Patient
99242125Office Consultation , New or Established Patient
99243160Office Consultation , New or Established Patient
99244215Office Consultation , New or Established Patient
99245280Office Consultation , New or Established Patient
99EHV100External Home Visit
J9035125Bevacizumab injection (10mg)
J058510Botulinum toxin (1unit)
J01781,050Eylea (1mg)
SHIPS25Shipping, Standard
SHIPO70Shipping, Expediated
VU99203140Vuity Initial Visit
VU99213110Vuity Established Patient Visit
VU9921270Vuity Recheck
Contact Lens Services and Materials
Procedure CodeDescription
92071200Fitting of Contact Lens for Treatment of Ocular Service Disease (bandage contact lens)
92072800Fitting of Contact Lens for Management of Keratoconus, Initial, Bilateral
92310-52400Degenerative Myopia Intial Fit (bilateral)
92310800Prescription of Optical and Physical Characteristics of and Fitting of Contact Lens, Medically Necessary, Both Eyes (except aphakia)
92311425Fitting of Medically Necessary Contact Lens, Aphakia, 1 Eye
92312600Fitting of Medically Necessary Contact Lens, Aphakia, Aphakia, Both Eyes
92313400Fitting of Medically Necessary Contact Lens, Corneoscleral Lens, 1 Eye
V2513Starting at 200 per lensContact Lens, Rigid Gas Permeable
V2521Starting at 50 per boxSoft Lenses: Toric
V2522Starting at 55 per box Soft Lenses: Multifocal
V2523Starting at 40 per box Soft Lenses: Spherical
V2599Starting at 400 per lensContact Lens, Orthokeratology
V2531Starting at 675 per lensScleral Lens
V26232,400Prosthetic Eye, Plastic, Custom, Per Eye
V2625500Enlargement Of Ocular Prosthesis
V2626500Reduction/Ocular Prosthesis
V26272,000Sclera Cover Shell
CL12600Cosmetic Rigid Gas Permeable Contact Lens Professional Fee: Scleral/Hybrid
CL14600Orthokeratology- Refit Not Including Lenses
CL1575Intermediate Contact Lens/Eye Health Assessment- Elective Wearer
CL10175Annual Soft Contact Lens Evaluation During Comprehensive Examination
CL102100Annual GP Contact Lens Evaluation During Comprehensive Examination
CL103150Cosmetic Contact Lens Professional Fee: Soft Refit Existing Wearer Same Lens Design in Toric or Multifocal /Rigid Gas Permeable Refit, Change in Power Only
CL104150Cosmetic Soft Contact Lens Professional Fee: Standard Fit
CL105200Cosmetic Soft Contact Lens Professional Fee: Premium Fit
CL106250Cosmetic Rigid Gas Permeable Contact Lens Professional Fee
CL1081,400Orthokeratology - Initial Fit Not Including Lenses
CLKIT25Scleral Lens Kit
CLDMV15Scleral Lens Insertion and Removal Plungers
CLDMVS25Scleral Lens Insertion Stand
Vision Rehabilitation Materials
2266125VT Home Therapy Software
2266F175VT Home Therapy Software with Flippers
2271VT120VT Kit
ED101450Educational/Achievment Testing
V2600Starting at 27 Hand-held low vision aids and other non spectacle mounted aids
V2610Starting at 103Single lens spectacle mounted low vision aids
V2615Starting at 98Telescopic and other compound lens system, including distance vision telescopic, near vision telescopes and compound microscopic lens system
V2718 50Press on lens, Fresnell Prism, Per Lens
Optical Materials
V2020Starting at 80Frames
V210075 per pairSV, sph, plano to +/-4.00
V2200Starting at 105 per pairBifocal, sph, plano to +/-4.00
V221940 additional per pairSeg over 28mm
V222040 additional per pairBifocal add +3.25 to +4.00
V2300175 per pairTrifocal, sph, plano to +/-4.00
V2303175 per pairTrifocal, spherocyl, plano to +/-4.00 up to 2.00 cyl
V231940 additional per pairTrifocal seg over 28mm
V232045 additional per pairTrifocal add over +3.25 to +4.00
V271520Prism per diopter per eye
V271850 per prismFresnel Prism
V2744120 per pairTint, plastic photochromatic
V274525 per pairTint, anything except photochromatic
V2750Range from 100
to 195 per pair
Antireflection coating
V275525 per pairUltraviolet coating
V276025 per pairScratch resistant coating
V2762160 per pairPolarization
V2781Starting at 170 additional per pair over fee for
Progressive lenses
V2782159 per pairTrivex lenses
V2783Starting at 160 additional per pair over fee for standard lensesHigh Index lenses
V278455 additional per pairPolycarbonate
Kids Packages: Rx range = +/- 4.00 with -2.00 cylStarting at 129,149,
189 & 249
Frame and single-vision polycarbonate lenses
Sports Glasses: Rx range = +/- 4.00 with -2.00 cyl199Select Liberty Sports Goggles and single vision clear polycarbonate lenses
Procedure CodeDescription
9898030Remote Therapeutic Moinitoring
99212100Telehealth - Office Visit, Established Patient 10-19 Min
99213130Telehealth - Office Visit, Established Patient 20-29 Min
99441100Phone, Eval & Management 5-10 Min
99442130Phone, Eval & Management 11-20 Min
99443160Phone, Eval & Management 21-30 Min
9945335Remote monitoring of Physiologic Parameters (i.e., eye pressure)
9945490Remote monitoring of Physiologic Parameters (i.e., eye pressure) w/ Loaned Device
G201225Brief Check-in (5-10 minutes)
G201020Remote Image Review
ICHME125i-Care Home Rental
Myopia Managment
Procedure CodeDescription
MC0175Initial Consultation Visit
MC02325Baseline Evaluation
MC03275Annual Evaluation
CL20300Myopia Control Soft Multifocal CL Fit
CL211,400Myopia Control Orthokeratology CL Fit Not Including Lenses
CL2275CL Assessment with Annual Myopia Control Visit
CL23200Myopia Control Soft Multifocal CL Refit
CL24600Myopia Control Orthokeratology CL Refit Not Including Lenses
Medical Records Request Fee
Procedure CodeDescription
MRRPE*A flat rate of $6.50Medical Records Request Fee Copies sent via Email
$0.75 per page
Medical Records Request Fee Print copies
MRRPC*$2.00 for a set (2 pages)Medical Records Request Fee Color Copies
* effective date 3.5.2025
Effective: 07/01/2024